John Ikerd

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Research Collaborator

Professor John Ikerd has been a contributor to the research process since 2018, through participating in numerous interviews and reviewing draft content for the book manuscript Beloved Economies.

John Ikerd was raised on a small dairy farm in southwest Missouri.  This was a time when electricity, running water, and indoor plumbing had not reached his part of rural Missouri. However, this also was a time when people of very modest means could afford a college education at a state university. He worked his way through the University of Missouri were he receiving a BS, MS and PhD degrees in Agricultural Economics.  John worked three years with Wilson Foods between his BS and MS in product merchandising.  After finishing his education, he worked in Extension Agricultural Economics positions at North Carolina State University, 1970-76 and Oklahoma State University, 1976-84 and was Head of Extension Agricultural Economics, University of Georgia, 1984-89.

In the 80’s, John had a “conversion” of sorts.  During the farm crises of that era, he experienced first-hand the failures of the policies he had been advocating to farmers.  John then reoriented his work towards sustainable agriculture and economic sustainability.  He returned to the University of Missouri in 1989, under a cooperative agreement with the USDA, to provide state and national leadership for research and education programs related to sustainable agriculture.  From 1989 to 2000, in addition to working on several National Sustainable Agriculture Projects with USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education organization, John authored book chapters, journal articles, magazine and trade publications, and conference proceedings all on various aspects of the sustainable agriculture movement—farm  size, systems thinking, profitability, policy,  socio-economic considerations and more—even giving congressional testimony in 1989 and 1992.

John retired as Professor Emeritus from the University of Missouri in 2000.  Since then John has written six books on sustainable agriculture and sustainable economics.  

In 2011, John moved to Fairfield, Iowa.  There he has been co-teaching Sustainable Economics courses, putting on conferences, and collaborating with others to develop the concept of Deep Sustainability—an obvious extension of John’s later work, whereby sustainability’s economic concerns are bounded by social relationships, with both being ultimately bounded by ethical and moral beliefs.  Deep Sustainability goes to the root of unsustainability, questioning the exclusive roles that science and economics play in making decisions about our future, and reintroduces the concept of “purpose” (including human, non-human, and historical) as a way of reorienting sustainability beyond efficiency and substitution to a radical redesign of the human project.  John is also on the board of Jefferson County Farmers and Neighbors, which is a local organization organized to stop the spread of Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) and the national Socially Responsible Agricultural Project, which has a similar mission.  John’s expertise in this area is global as well as local, with John even traveling to Wales in 2013 to help stop the first industrial dairy in the county’s history.

Thus, John has become a leading figure in the sustainability revolution—one who is capable of deep insights but also has the capacity to engage everyone in the conversation and work.  He has found himself at the edge of what is possible in the discipline and has turned his efforts to using his voice and position to advocate for radical change and to help others to both understand this necessity and to be able to advocate for themselves.  In 2014, John as asked by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to develop the North American report for the International Year of the Family farm. In his report, he makes the case for multifunctional farms of the future that protect and renew natural ecosystem and create and nurture caring communities as they provide economic livelihoods for farm families. Should we make it through this great transition facing humanity in the 21st century, it will be in, in part, thanks to John, his thinking, his engagement, and his work.

Jaclyn Gilstrap

Jaclyn Gilstrap (she/her/hers) is an activist whose work has focused on supporting women and young people to get the resources they need. She is committed to things like sexual and reproductive rights, racial justice, youth leadership, and ethical global engagement. Jaclyn dabbles in visual art, loves a good queer dance party, and believes in the power of community-led protests. Her strengths are event planning, organizational development, and youth mentorship.

Joe Terry


Kalsoom Lakhani