Research Background & Team

Beloved Economies research is a collaborative, grassroots research initiative that ran from 2015 to 2022. The research began with a burning question: Why are we trapped in exhausting, harmful modes of working, and what is possible when we innovate out of them? Joanna Cea and Jess Rimington initiated the research through a shared short-term visiting scholar position at Stanford University and subsequently organized to continue the research as a grassroots endeavor spanning seven years, and bringing together multifaceted research collaborators. Each of these collaborators brought their own additional questions and insights to the table, which sharpened the emerging analyses through their input. Over time, sixty people from a wide array of teams and enterprises together formed a co-learning community that unearthed clear answers to the burning questions they continued to explore together.

  • Jess Rimington

    Research Co-Director and Co-facilitator of the Co-learning Community

  • Joanna Cea

    Research Co-Director and Co-facilitator of the Co-learning Community

  • M Strickland

    Senior Researcher

  • Nairuti Shastry

    Senior Researcher

  • Anke Ehlert

    Contributing Researcher

  • Dylan Rose Schneider

    Contributing Researcher

  • Shelly Helgesen

    Contributing Researcher

  • Dr. Kate Gasparro

    Contributing Researcher

  • Hudson Brown

    Contributing Researcher

  • Hafsa Mustafa


  • Dr. Melissa K. Nelson


  • Jaclyn Gilstrap

    Lead, Narrative-Testing Research

  • Ellie Bahrmasel

    Contributor, Narrative-Testing Research

  • Dr. Anastasia Nylund

    Contributor, Narrative-Testing Research

Each of the above team members contributed in distinct ways and at different phases of the research. Throughout, the research was conducted in collaboration with members of a co-learning community that grew over time.

Meet the members of the research co-learning community here —>